Five Tips to Level Up Your Spring Appeal

Five Tips to Level Up Your Spring Appeal

Ah yes, Spring is in the air! Bright blue skies, tiny sprouts unfurling tender leaves, and families venturing out for fresh air and a bit of recreation following months of isolation. What does this mean for our social benefit organizations? Why, it’s time for your...
Meeting Your Fundraising Goals in Our New Normal

Meeting Your Fundraising Goals in Our New Normal

By Stacy Lee Gardner, Founder & CEO, My Philanthropy Team The past twelve months have taken what we have historically considered fundraising norms, thrown them into a big pot, tossed in a heaping cup of uncertainty and a pinch of trepidation, and then dumped it...
Why Asking for a Year-End Gift is a Moral Imperative

Why Asking for a Year-End Gift is a Moral Imperative

Fundraisers are sometimes accused of being prone to hyperbole. Yet to say we, as a society, have never had a year like 2020 would not be an overstatement. It seems that everywhere we turn, we can find evidence that the better angels of our collective nature have gone...
Compassionate Communication in Four Simple Steps

Compassionate Communication in Four Simple Steps

Thud. (Just sit with that for a moment.) This pandemic has hit us like a ton of bricks. It’s derailed us from our daily routines. If we’ve learned nothing else, we know that tomorrow is not a given. The very life and death nature of the virus has demanded that we...
Can You Be A Powerful Leader And Still Be Kind?

Can You Be A Powerful Leader And Still Be Kind?

Four Tips For Values-Based Leadership With the mainstreaming of meditation and mindfulness practices, a yoga studio on almost every corner, and the growing popularity of “wisdom-based business” (think Wisdom 2.0), our professional lives intersect with our personal...

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